Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Q: what events in your early life made you get interested in the arts? 
A: i was born with the intrest of the arts. My mother used to tell me when i was 
a young todler that she knew i was born to be a actress, she just knew. My 
mother told me that "she shewed by every sighn of extream delight, the paternity 
for some tunes whilst others that were not agreeable to her ear, were oppoded by 
every indication of aversion" (the biorgaphy of the British 72) 
  My family was acquainted with a man byt the name of Dr. Williams. He 
influenced me a great deal in the arts when i saw his first performance. (the 
biography of the british stage. pg 72) 
Q: What role did mentors play in helping you develope the intrest and talents 
you have as an artist? 
A: As i mentioned earlier Dr. Williams played an important role in hellping me 
develope my talent. He is the reason i got started. My mother also played a 
wonderful role. She motivated me and also supported me. (British Stage. pg 74) 
Q: what was the world of art like in your particular art field? 
A: The world was rather normal to me. At the time i was influenced by so many 
people i was just trying it out just for the fun of it. No questions asked 
(British stage pg 75) 
Q:How did the major culture economic and political situations inpact your work 
A: It didnt impact me at all. Many of my famous accomplishmenta happend when i 
was growing up and a teenager. I didnt really hae to worry about anything 
because i had family that was like my back bone, that supported me and most of 
the time helped with all my problems. 
Q: What were some of your major accomplishments? 
A: One major accomplishment was actually my first performance at the Drury Lane 
Theatre as Lord Flimnap in the production of David Garricks Lilliput. I had many 
other great accomplishments but some more of my most famouus ones were playing 
roles in Richard 111, and Shylock 
Q: What were key opportunities you had that led to turining points in your like 
and art? 
A: My family was associated with actors that led me to the stage and led me to 
become an actress 
Q: what personal choices did you make to become sucessful? 
A: I moved to the United States to see all around the world what acting was 
like. Moving to the United States was a choice that me and my family came up 
with. It turned out Great! 
Q: what hardships and road blocks did you have to over come in order to be a 
A: When my mother passed it was a huge set back for me. I wanted to give up 
because my mother wa so supportive 
Q what kind of limitations did you run into as both an artist and person? 
A: i ran inti other important actors such as Charels Macready, Edmund keend and 
many more 
Q personal antidote ( i couldnt find one) 

Friday, March 25, 2011

This is the covent Garden in London England located on the Eastern fringes of the West End.  I started performing here when i was only 17 years old.Keywords:' "Covent Garden (6)." Dan Heller's Stock Photography and Business Resources. 20 June 2002. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
"News & Blogs - Blogs - The Archivist's Mailbag: The Burning Frigate." Trinity Wall Street. 29 Mar. 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.This is where i made my debut, to amaze the audiance 2 years before i moved to New york
David Garrick was an English Actor, and also a theartre manager. On december 10, 1817 i was in his production at the Drury Lane TheatreFile:David Garrick by Thomas Gainsborough.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 1 Jan. 2008. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
This is the Drury Lane Theatre where i had my first performance"Edwin Forrest." Welcome to the Life & Career of Joseph Haworth. 1 Jan. 1990. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
This is where i was born and raised until i moved to New York City"Internship With Parliament London England With the English Speaking Union - CUAbroad." Education Abroad - The Catholic University of America. 1 Dec. 2010. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
This is my  years before i went into retirement asan actress1 Apr. 1908. Web. is the library that my dad worked at and often the library that i went o study for school"Scard Ancestry - Unplaced Newspaper Articles & Documents." Westnet - 25 Jan. 2009. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.


This is the newspaper that i was being talked about it after making my first appearence on stage.
"Scard Ancestry - Unplaced Newspaper Articles & Documents." Westnet - 25 Jan. 2009. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.

This is a Portrait of me at the age of 21

"Clara Fisher." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 1 Jan. 1923. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.

This is a portrait of me performing in The play The actress for all work, playing the role as Mme. Josaphine. London: T & T Foty, 1822
The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Billy Rose Theatre Collection"Clara Fisher." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 1 Jan. 1923. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
 "Scard Ancestry - Unplaced Newspaper Articles & Documents." Westnet - 25 Jan. 2009. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. < of Clara Fisher