Thursday, April 21, 2011



  1. Bonjour again Clara. Some differences we have is that the economic and political events happening during your life ,you say, didn't affect you. The economic and political events very much so affected my work. A very obvious difference is that your art field is acting. My art field is inventing and photography. Also my mother didn't seem to influence me as much as your mother did.


  2. Bonjour Madame Fisher. We have differences you and I. You are an actress and I am a painter. This is obvious. However, a bigger difference comes in that you weren't affected by politics. I on the other hand suffered greatly at the hands of French society and was, in fact, put in jail.

  3. To be honest, I don't believe I would pursue acting as a career. It sounds harsh and a bit stressful. Being put through so much already, I don't think I would risk it.
